Eutrophication in lakes of Nepal
Increasing inputs of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides and inefficient use of organic wastes in agriculture has adversely affected the quality of soil and water resources. The excessive enrichment of surface water with nutrients corresponded by high production of autotrophs has caused eutrophication in several lakes of the world. According to the Survey of the State of the World’s Lakes, a project promoted by the International Lake Environment Committee , eutrophication has affected 54% of Asian lakes. In Nepal about 720,000 ha area is occupied by water bodies and some 3.2% is occupied by lakes including ghole, ponds and reservoirs. Lakes and ponds play important role as it is the habitat for a wide variety of aquatic plants and animals. Lakes have vital role in national economic activities, since Pokhara valley has been a tourist destination as it consists three most beautiful lakes like Rupa, Fewa and Begnas. Eutrophication is a natural process that typically oc...